There are hundreds of political prisoners currently languishing in Colombia’s jails. They include numerous trade unionists, student activists, community and indigenous leaders and human rights defenders – all imprisoned for their opposition to Colombian government policies. Many Colombian political prisoners have not been charged with any crime and some suffered appalling abuses, including torture, when they were originally detained. They are kept in appalling conditions in overcrowded jails. Justice for Colombia is campaigning for the release of Colombia's political prisoners. We also have a projects providing humanitarian assistance and legal advice to many of them.
Take Action Against Privatisation of Public Services in Colombia
Date: 5 November 2008
The global federation of public sector trade unions – Public Services International (PSI) – has created a page on their website where people can protest direct to the Colombian regime about the privatisation of refuse collection services in the Colombian city of Cali, the flouting of collective bargaining agreements and mass redundancies of public sector workers. PSI is asking people around the world to support the SINTRAEMSIRVA trade union who face having 230 of their activists fired. full story>>>