What do you agree when adopt a kidnapped?
When you decide to adopt a kidnapped resignations to inaction against the kidnapping and become aware of why the commitment to do so. Finding identity with the history of that person and his family will help you achieve the goal of this initiative: one to be seated at all.Time and again we hear that people who have endured the kidnapping in their families feel the pain of other victims like himself and experiencing a genuine solidarity, active and committed. That is the solidarity that promotes
So when you adopt a kidnapped undertakes:
*Recognize the life story of the person kidnapped
*Send messages to the person in captivity
*To express publicly their rejection of the kidnapping and demand their freedom
*Actively participate in the civic protest against the kidnapping
*Propose ways to reject crime and demand the freedom of his adopted
--Copyright 2008 / Facultad de ComunicaciĆ³n, Universidad de La Sabana